Me Saying Stuff. Randomly. Sporadically. Incoherently.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Thats right, i said it

So we had our show. it was wicked. people danced, rocked, moshed, laughed, cried. it was fantastic
Since your all curious (and for my own personal reflection years down the line) heres the set list:

1. Car - Built To Spill
2. Rise Up With Fists - Jenny Lewis
3. Say Yes - Elliot Smith
4. Locked In Sight - Target In Question
5. Night In The ER - Divided
6. Poor Boy Disaster - Target In Question
7. Special K - Placebo
8. The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot - Brand New
9. Don't Drift Away - Target In Question
10. Clarity - Target In Question
11. Stanley Park - Target In Question
Joy - Divided
Your Own Disaster - Taking Back Sunday

Needless to say it was epic.
We're going into the studio december 9-11. Hopefully we'll have an EP out January

My Godson has yet to be born. but soon i'm told, the little bugger is hanging out tight in there. cut the umbilical chord buddy.

My housemates and i are gonna play monopoly real quick. what are you doing on your saturday night?


Sunday, November 19, 2006

I Sold My Soul For Student Loans


1. 13 movies left

2. I'm Broke but happy. which would you prefer?

3. i've started watching 24 season 4. short-lived addictions rock

4. Van Den Berg bought a nintendo wii. long term addictions are cool too.

5. I have a show at the school, Friday at 7:00 (Lounge) bring friends, bring everyone.

6. Its a beautiful day to take a girl for a walk. (thats a fact!)

7. I had a Jazz show on friday, it was lots of fun. even though i hate jazz.

8. I've been in 3 car crashes in my life. one was with a port-a-poty. Thought you'd like to know.

We don't bel;eve ;n f;ller baby


Thursday, November 09, 2006

Forget Krypton

Yesterday i jammed for 7 hours. it's some pretty intense practicing, since we have a show at my school in exactly 2 weeks. its gonna be epic.

I saw Goo Goo Dolls last night. got in for free cause my roomate got a plus one with his photo pass. It's odd, since Goo Goo Dolls used to be a horrible punk band, and i assume that every show they pull out some of those crappy punk songs. But those are all forgiveable concidering the epic nature of their performance of Iris. Complete with stopping the music and shutting all the lights off right before the last chorus.
Best Moment: Rzeznik's chat with the two stoners up front, then bringing them out doritos and pretzels.
Biggest Disappointment: No Here is Gone? i'd want my money back if i'd paid.

I'm having an x-Files fest today.

Peter Pumpkinhead was too good
had him nailed to a chunk of wood
he died grinning on live tv
hanging there he looked at lot like you
and an awful lot like me

- the ballad of peter pumpkinhead
Crash Test Dummies

Thursday, November 02, 2006

There aren't enough bullets in your gun baby

I'm so pissed off right now. i've had such a crappy day. well, morning i guess. and now i have to write a paper.
Then i get to go visit Seven, whom i haven't seen in months. so thats cool.

(i saw bridge over river kwai and american graffiti)

6 day break in a week (two bad theres a 10 page paper between me and that)

i want some sweet food.
i'm gonna go make some.

Theres gotta be a good reason for your little black back pack up smack turn around he's on his back
