Me Saying Stuff. Randomly. Sporadically. Incoherently.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Flicker you once bright star.

I loath grocery stores.

The bright lights make me feel like i'm part of a science experiment.

The music reminds me of soma from Brave New World.

the check out line makes me feel like cattle.

The endless number of products and advertisements and sales and air miles makes my soul curl up into a tight little ball and pray for death.

I want all of you to go to a grocery store, pick up a dozen products, go to the middle of the store and just stop. Just stand there. take in your surroundings. admire the beauty that man has created. and then throw up. but don't worry, some poor shmuck will have to clean it up.

Come to think of it, next time i'm feeling nauseous, to the grocery store i will go.


Blogger nodanielle said...

i have no idea who you are, but you entertain me. gracias.

-total creep

6:28 PM


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