Me Saying Stuff. Randomly. Sporadically. Incoherently.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Forget Krypton

Yesterday i jammed for 7 hours. it's some pretty intense practicing, since we have a show at my school in exactly 2 weeks. its gonna be epic.

I saw Goo Goo Dolls last night. got in for free cause my roomate got a plus one with his photo pass. It's odd, since Goo Goo Dolls used to be a horrible punk band, and i assume that every show they pull out some of those crappy punk songs. But those are all forgiveable concidering the epic nature of their performance of Iris. Complete with stopping the music and shutting all the lights off right before the last chorus.
Best Moment: Rzeznik's chat with the two stoners up front, then bringing them out doritos and pretzels.
Biggest Disappointment: No Here is Gone? i'd want my money back if i'd paid.

I'm having an x-Files fest today.

Peter Pumpkinhead was too good
had him nailed to a chunk of wood
he died grinning on live tv
hanging there he looked at lot like you
and an awful lot like me

- the ballad of peter pumpkinhead
Crash Test Dummies


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