Me Saying Stuff. Randomly. Sporadically. Incoherently.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

I want to see movies of my dreams

I've been bitter all week, which is a shame, but i'm feeling much better now. I got a better mark on my sociology, i had friends over yesturday and i made spaghetti, and i don't have school on monday.

I love people who use the phrase "you need to hear this song"
I love a good pop song as well.
and 24
and cars by built to spill
and deer sausage
and my house
and my friends
and even my faith, as bruised as it is.

So my goals for this week:
say "bit of terrific" whenever the opportunity arises
record acoustic covers, even if i cant hit all the notes
make a turkey
stand on a chair
make an andy kauffman pose whenever i start to feel angry
throw "blaze my can" in a conversation.
be pretty on the inside

My weeks looking up already



Anonymous Anonymous said...

o spagetti how i love that stuff. mmmmm. well that's all i will end this comment bye kiss kiss

9:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey davey, my cell is (250)686-3655.

9:52 AM


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