The auctioneer is such a creep
Broadcast me a joyful noise until the time, oh lord
So i am the proud owner of a 2.68 GPA which is .5 higher then last year. so i think that thats pretty special.
So i'm back in calgary. I like edmonton better. probably because the oilers are there. even if hey don't do as well as calgary, edmonton fans a bigger a-holes.
I saw hostile.
Don't see that movie.
Unless your into nudity, then just walk out after the first hour and you'll be fine.
And if you hate nudity but love gore? show up half way into it.
It was odd, Hostile was split perfectly in half, between a teen sex comedy and un chien andalou (movie written by salvador dali in 1928, for all those uneducated people).
So i'm never gonna back pack through eastern europe. and if do i'm gonna kill myslef half way through the trip.
Hostile or Hostel? If you're talking about Hostel, woah. I just watched the trailer. That's messed up.
Hope to see ya soon.
1:18 PM
Calgary kicks butt....sorry y'all! They rock!
10:29 AM
And Ottawa takes ALL previously mentioned teams. Try to deny it. Just try. Skoch, call me.
11:16 AM
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