Me Saying Stuff. Randomly. Sporadically. Incoherently.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Ernest Hemingway once wrote, "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for." I agree with the second part.

So i'm doing my my english critical paper on "Saw" because i love horror movies, and i figure it would be to my advantage to write on what i know my best.

Oddly enough, when i was watching Saw and taking notes, people would ask what i was doing, and i'd get such strange reactions. Its like Christians love to bash horror films. Now, don't get me wrong, there are a LOT of bad horror films out there, alot of which i wouldn't recommend to anybody, christian or not, but it just seems like Christians take joy in bashing what they do not know.

I figure the ratio of good horror films to bad ones are about 1:25 (providing you don't count horror b-movies, then its like 1:1999999)

So in conclusion, i recommend all Christians to see "Saw" because of the moral questions it forces you to ask

All also strongly recommend that all Christians see "The Exorcist", and judge for yourself whether or not you agree with what the Priest does at the end

Also, see "Seven" because it is basically a commentary on our world, and ask the question, why is it worth being a Christian in this world?"

But i'm ranting



Blogger Tammy Williams said...

SEVEN is indeed a disturbing picture but it provides enlightenment on our world. I agree!
Hope school's going well for you!

5:40 PM

Blogger ~m said...

i loved that movie, too!

also, "but i'm not ranting" is an excellent sign-off line. much appreciated!

7:41 PM

Blogger ~m said...

i think i need to learn to read. anyway . . .

11:07 AM


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