Me Saying Stuff. Randomly. Sporadically. Incoherently.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

In A Coma

When i was 11 years old i remember seeing the video for Rico and believing that my whole life could be summed up by "Everyone's gotta be something, me i'm garbage".
So if your Canadian and want to remember the glory days of your junior high years, i defintly recommend buying in a coma (matthew goods greatest hits). I was lucky enough to grab the special edition, complete with a DVD of all there videos!!!

So lets update my life.

School is going well, i slack off just as much as ever, but i feel i'm doing well never the less.

I have a Beautiful girlfriend, she's just as crazy as me (and has the best fashion sense ever, one day shes a goth, the next shes a hippy, everyday is an adventure!!!)
But God has definetly blessed our relationship already.

I'm still a stuborn muscian with hopes of one day bringing my distortion pedal to church. what a glorious day that will be.

i swim with the fish cuz the fish are alright
oh my my just to get you to bite
Carole was a gambler
came into the city
she died when she was 21
cause big city life is fun



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi baby boy, nice blog...i got the mattgood cd too...went to his concert a couple weeks ago, was awesome, so was the robert plant concert...whats your address, or how do i send you your bday gift? still cant send you emails for some reason, dont know if you can send them to me either, so you can send a reply to mum or dad and tell them to forward it to me.
your totally awesome and fab older (but not old) sister, ALIX

4:25 PM

Blogger Toes said...

I respect you. I'm excited for dinner.

10:15 PM

Blogger Ian said...

a girlfriend me about her..oh and have you sent me my B yet? I'm still waiting man..and yes..i can grow facial hair. Give me 5 days and u'd be impressed. I might be coming to Edmonton before or after christmas for a week so maybe you'll come up and see me. i dono. But then can play i suck again! lol Suck again..haha i miss that..ttyl man

3:28 PM

Blogger Reverend Joyleaf said...

Dude, is your email broken? What's the deal? I've probably sent you like 5 messages and haven't heard back from you. What gives? You're probably just too busy cause of the girlfriend and all. I understand.

8:49 PM

Blogger Chrissy and Brian said...

Hey Dave,
ok... a few things...
1. A girlfriend??? What? Who? When? And why didn't you tell us?
2. We miss you. Nobody smells my hair anymore.
3. When are you coming back to visit?
4. We miss you.
Ok, that is all... keep in touch!

9:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's monday.
then tuesday.
then wednesday.
then you come over.
then everyone is happy.
and it'll be a party.
haha I don't know.

9:34 PM

Blogger Toes said...

carlin thinks she's funny. but she's not. the more exciting thing is that you're coming to see ME. and you'll be [blown] away by my fantastic debut. and yes, I will be signing autographs after the show ;) I knew you would ask.
Advantage: when I'm famous, it'll be worth millions.

10:35 PM

Blogger Tammy Williams said...

George George George...
What a beautiful life you lead. I wish I could be there to hear you when you bring that distortion peddle to church. That would be a good time.

3:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you really tell me nothing i am going to go cry.

2:15 PM


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