50. Hardly Getting Over it - Hüsker Dü (Candy Apple Grey - 1986)
This song is purely about how you will go through tons of crappy times which will bring you to a very low place, but you somehow have to carry on.
49. When I Come Around - Green Day (Dookie - 1994)
The image of billy joe armstrong pushing the payphone off the hook is forever burnt into my brain as the greatest sign of teenage rebellion (And apathy for that matter)
48. Say It Ain't So - Weezer (Weezer - 1994)
As the great Ray Mailman once stated "every guitar player goes through a phase where say it ain't so is there favourite song". I had that phase.
47. Space Oddity - David Bowie (Love You 'Til Tuesday - 1969)
One of the first songs i ever learned on guitar, also contains the best clapping in any rock song ever.
46. Black Hole Sun - Soundgarden (Superunknown - 1995)
When Cornell sings "heaven send hell away" it reminds me of that utter desperation i sometimes go through with God, as a christian
45. Superman's Dead - Our Lady Peace (Clumsy - 1997)
I remember singing this with alex dunsmore in his care and going absolutly crazy during the "doesn't any any any any any any any anybody ever know"
44. If You Could Read My Mind - Gordon Lightfoot (If You Could Read My Mind - 1970)
I think the word "paperback" is insanely fun to sing.
43. One - Metallica (...And Justice For All - 1988)
Every year i try and learn this song and every year i learn a little bit more. Based on the movie Johnny get your gun, the lyrics almost beat the insane solo at the end.
42. 1979 - Smashing Pumpkins (Mellon Collie Infinite Sadness - 1995)
I remember seeing bald billy corgan for the first time when i was 9 or 10 years old and thinking he was the coolest person on the planet. i still think that. Even the lyrics make almost no sense, you still somehow seem to feel what billy is feeling, the remorse for youth.
41. Lovers In A Dangerous Time - Bruce Cockburn (Stealing Fire - 1984)
Sure the barenaked ladies version is sadder, but the techno beat behind the song makes me feel that love and hope go hand in hand
40. Yellow - Coldplay (Parachutes - 2000)
They can pumped out 100 piano ballads a year, but coldplay wil never ever beat this beautiful love song. I do appreciate the fact that all the poets and all the artists and all the philosophers will never ever ever ever be able to tell me what he means when he sings the word "Yellow"
Tune in later for 39-28!
yeah you were in my care
9:21 PM
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