Me Saying Stuff. Randomly. Sporadically. Incoherently.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

I hear Matt Good is a real

So i play guitar with the former base player from the band Downhere. thats how cool i am.

Also i think Steve J. is cool. then i wonder why? and i'm just not sure. maybe its the beard, maybe its his cool throwing stars. i may never know.


1.Font size 12.5 works just as well.

2.Bring the margins in a couple clicks.

3.Every paragraph can have a sub heading

4.Find a font style thats bigger

5.Put an extra space at each page break

BONUS: Brent says use big Bible Quotes that don't make any sense. The more irrelvant the better! how can a prof argue against the bible?

If you have any other sweet tricks, comment, please!!!


1. Jump naked in the snow

2. Made extreme Hot chocolate (aka cold sludge)

3. Made an extreme caffienated Bevrage (coffee grinds rainbow ice cream coke and hot chocolate powder)

4. Ate powdered porridge

5. Got a lock of morgan taylors facial hair

6. Recieved an official happy birthday from president Gordon Dirks

7. Smashed a Toaster

8. Photoshoped my face on a banana

9. Got an erotic dance from Christopher

10.Listened to Zelda music for an Hour

11.Got two birthday cakes

12.Watched the oilers LOSE (i cried)

13.Got my first pair of jeans in 5 years

14.Watched memento and during the last few seconds of my birthday i spilt water on brent.



Blogger ~m said...

how about those leftovers??? you think they came cheap!??!?!

9:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey kid,

Did you get your birthday package in the mail?? I can't call or email you but let mum know if it got there...hope you had a great birthday and I was thinking of you and missing you.
Big Sis Alix
PS Don't worry about the oilers, they'll be right...we'll blow them all away in the playoffs.
PPS Your talented sister won the UVic hockey championship...:)

12:14 PM

Blogger Ian said...

hey man happy old does that make you now? Are you catching up yet?

2:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed your big B-day.

10:46 AM

Blogger Ian said...

oilers are going to MAKE the playoffs? Wow must be new developments

6:32 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

SKOCHIE BABY!! its courtney!! happy bday bud!!!! wow!! ur getting soo old!!!...(tear tear) knew u from when u were a little baby..o i didn't..hha it feels like it tho!!! lol i can't wiat to see ya

5:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i semi don't believe you jumped in the snow naked.

9:37 PM

Blogger Ian said...

and i semiagree with that sunshine're not IB skoch..remember WW a few years back when he slid down the hill shirtless in the snow on the snowboard? Good times

12:16 PM


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