Me Saying Stuff. Randomly. Sporadically. Incoherently.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Racist Crows

So picture this

Mara and Skoch tearing through envelopes, quivering with anticipation. Our eyes quickly dart over the pages. We then through them to the wayside and continue on with our wonderful lives, our thoughts being the same. What the freak am i doing this summer?

I'm thinking los angelos.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so what did you get in your letter ?? did you get whta you applyed for ?? well i got what i was set out for

12:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard about your summer plans...can't quite figure out why that happened. The kids are going to miss you! Oh, well, their (not the kids) loss. We still miss you on Sundays. Want to come for dinner sometime? There's another jazz concert coming up!


8:45 AM

Blogger Caity said...

I'm thinking the exact same thing about my summer.
bye kiss kiss DORA

2:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can come have supper with Carlin and then dazzle everyone with your suit - the dance is at the school and will feature the various jazz bands right up until midnight with Allison rockin' the night away! Plan to come...I'll make ham and scallop potatoes. :-)


7:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OR..... GARDOM LAKE! That's where all the cool people from rez go for the summer! ... *cough* me and colin... (I guess Chelsea and Melissa too)...

9:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can't choose the cards your dealt you can only play them.

3:07 PM


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