Me Saying Stuff. Randomly. Sporadically. Incoherently.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Hooks for Hands

So we just got our new place yesturday, and its freaking awesome! The chimes in our hallway are hooked up to our doorbell! plus i get my own room, and its all hardwood floors except for the kitchen. and the windows are massive. oh its so freaking amazing. and no one else is aloud over. its just that good.
And were gonna turn the garage into a living room during the warmer months. oh, i'm beyond stoked. And we stopped off at Trevor and Melissas new place, and its like a 7 minute walk from our place, as well as a 7 minute walk to banff trail station. I figure the extra 150$ a month will be worth it since i'll spend an hour and a half less time everyday riding transit. which is 540 hours a year, which is like riding the c-train for 22 days strait.
unfortunatly i won't be official living there until mid august, since i still work at second cup in the north east. boo hoo

I'm at work, watching tv, but i have no food, so i'm starving. blah.
only six and a half more hours to go!



Blogger Brent said...

Dude, you told people about our doorbell? thats supposed to be a special little secret that we show all our guests. now all our guests will know about it and we will have nothing cool or surprising to show them...way to go, hope you're proud of yourself.

7:47 PM


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