Me Saying Stuff. Randomly. Sporadically. Incoherently.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Lift It Up


So i have so much to blog, so little time to blog it.

1. Soc's came out of the closet. The blog closet that is, i added her link. Its under socks blog, but i still like to spell its socs. to be special.

2. I went to south meadows on sunday and this cool guy named steve talked to me, he said he had seen my blog. I don't know how, but thats ok, steve, if you're reading this, your eyes work, and email me. (

3. I just found out (in between point 2 and 3) that Nav also has a blog, well consider your self linked!!

4. Speaking of Nav, i went to her grad on the 28th of may, so heres a picture (yes she's single!!! No, she probably won't date you!!!!)

5. I highly recommend this entire album, but the rereleased version has this hidden gem on it:

  • Brother John

    Blogger Nav said...

    LOL thanks for putting me on the market Skoch!;)

    9:57 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    sometimes I just like to leave you comments that don't serve any purpose other than to say hello!!

    11:23 PM

    Blogger Reverend Joyleaf said...

    "cool guy named steve"

    Dudes, that made my day. Unless you're not talking about me. Cause there are at least two other Steves.

    9:38 PM


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