Me Saying Stuff. Randomly. Sporadically. Incoherently.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

American Idiot

So i actually gave credit to the artist and paid money for a cd (first one in 4 months).

This may just be my own personal starvation for a good rock album, or my undying belief that rock and roll will save the world (bill and ted all the way) But wow, this is a great album. So far in the new millenium this would rank 2nd (behind the much beloved white stripes elephant).

Its songs like "she's a rebel" that i find awesome, just after green day does a song with multiple layers and a cool new sound, they do strait out punk songs. I never thought Green Day and Dynamics could go together, but they proved me wrong.

so my point is, go buy this album. now

that friend of yours



Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya your right
people should go buy that CD
its awesome

7:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya your right
people should go buy that CD
its awesome

7:08 PM


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